Yonatan ZungerAdvanced Python: Achieving High Performance with Code GenerationAn old-school technique for the modern worldAug 11, 20227Aug 11, 20227
InLab DigitalbyDiederik van der BoorWorking with huge data sets in DjangoWhen prefetch_related() no longer cuts itAug 3, 20184Aug 3, 20184
ApcelentHow to Deploy Django application on AWS LambdaIn this article, we will guide you to deploy a django application onto AWS Lambda using Zappa. First, we will discuss what these actually…Mar 14, 20182Mar 14, 20182
MarcoCustom Django model field based on default Primary KeySometimes we would like to have another unique but not auto-incrementing value as the identifier, serving as a “pseudo primary key” and…Aug 28, 2020Aug 28, 2020